
Showing posts from 2018

Release Date!: December 15th.

My book is now on sale here. Tremendous thanks to Ian Davisson and Ryan Eckes of Radiator Press and their book designer Kim Gek Lin Short who did a fantastic job. There has been a brief interview/answering of questions between Lisa Olstein and myself on Tupelo Quarterly, here. Three poems in BOMB MAGAZINE On-line.

Futureless Languages

My new book from Radiator Press is at the printer's. I'll post the link soon along with the link to Marion Bell's beautiful "Austerity."

Readings for Hillary Gravendyk's The Soluble Hour

May 16th in Chicago, Michael Robins, who has been a lovely champion of Hillary's poems and some of his fellow Chicagoan poets Ruben Quesada, Jennifer Scappettone, Valerie Wallace and I will be reading Hillary's poems at City Lit Books. Hillary´s former student the poet S, Brook Corfman will also be reading. May 19th in Los Angeles: Please get in touch with me if you knew Hillary and want to be part of this reading. It will be at Poetic Research Bureau at 7:30 PM. May 20th in Seattle: There will be a reading at Hugo House at 4PM. Hillary grew up near Seattle and went to school there, and her friend Rebecca Hoogs will be introducing several readers including  Ryan E. Burt and Jeanne Heuving. Rae Armantrout will also read. Books for sale from Open Books: A Poem Emporium. May 20th in Denver: I'll be reading from Hillary's book and from my own work alongside Serena Chopra and Brian Foley at a house reading. You're welcome to write me and find out details. Thanks for ...

The Magician

The Magician from Kate Greenstreet on Vimeo . Didn't remember this was on-line until a friend posted it to my timeline on Facebook today. Kate and Max Greenstreet and I had a special time that day talking about our fathers and the things they taught us. I think this must have been 2010. I recommend all the other Kicking Wind videos and poem videos.

Winter Updates

Just want to update everyone on the dates for the readings for The Soluble Hour. I promised Rusty at Omnidawn that I would take this book around and share it with everyone, but it is really important that if anyone out there wants to come help remember Hillary and read poems with us at these readings, to please get in touch with me. Would be wonderful for her friends to be gathered together as much as possible. *  May 16th in Chicago, Michael Robins, who has been a lovely champion of Hillary's poems and some of his fellow Chicagoan poets Ruben Quesada, Jennifer Scappettone, Valerie Wallace and I will be reading Hillary's poems at City Lit Books. Hillary´s former student the poet S, Brrok Corfman will also be reading. May 19th in Los Angeles: Please get in touch with me if you knew Hillary and want to be part of this reading. It will be at Poetic Research Bureau at 7:30 PM. May 20th in Seattle: There will be a reading at Hugo House at 4PM. Hillary grew up near Seattle and w...