
Showing posts from 2020

Summer Updates

Well, I skipped winter because there weren't many updates, and spring because there was a pandemic. But lots is happening behind the scenes, such as doing poetry line edits on Continuity with Harper Quinn. This book has been in the works for a long time and I'm really proud of the work that's being done right now with Harper. We've been editing for about an hour at a time for a week or so. Our talks, she in Portland (between work and protests) and me in Kentucky--I call it poetry therapy. She is able to convey the difficult outside reader's view very clearly. Our pro tip to everyone is that if some lines from your poem went viral on Tumblr--they might need to be taken out of the poem. Think about ittt! At any rate, I'm also pleased to say that the Betweens found a publisher and that edits are also going to be in progress as soon as Continuity goes to the designer. Meanwhile, I've had some long stewed poems in The Georgia Review, and a poem on the backpag...