Late Fall Updates
I've been lucky enough this fall to read with performance artist Susannah Simpson and poet Aimee C. Harrison at the Paradiso reading series in Durham NC in late September. I also read with Julian Brolanski at the Kelly Writer's House on October 27th with a recording of this latter event here. I'm reading tomorrow evening with Laura Jaramillo and Pattie McCarthy for A Novel Idea, Philly. This event requires a donation for the tickets (5 dollars I think) and you can register here. I shall be at AWP in Philadelphia, especially lurking around at the bookfair. Find my new books at the Octopus Books table in the unofficial bookfair and The Betweens at the Noemi book table. I'll be reading again some time in the spring through the Visiting Writers Series at the school where I teach, Stockton University, and for Donna Vorreyer's new on-line series, still forming and molten hot. Here's an interview about The Betweens that Joanna Penn Cooper did with me, introduced by Em...