Winter Updates

Very pleased to have appeared right next to Ginger Ko in the November/December issue of American Poetry Review. It's an honor to appear with her anywhere, in print, internet, or in person. Check out her new book, Power On, which comes with a collaborative app.


Am pleased to have my books in some end of the year round ups for 2021:

Once again, I read the Elisa Gabbart year end write up of all the books she read for the year. From it, I always hear about a book, or several books, that are definitely off my radar, and her list reminds me that we are in conversation with the living and the dead writers too. So I was really amazed to see my book on there. Ms. Gabbart had written a really kind blurb for use in marketing the book, so this write up of The Betweens was gravy:

The sadly departing Entropy included The Betweens in their year-end creative non-fiction list, which makes me proud since I spent 2021 listening to CNF books on Libby, one after the other, chain-smoking style. Definitely recommend going through and picking up some new titles for your books-to-read list.

Entropy has also kindly included Continuity on their end of the year list, which is a great books-to-read reference that you should bookmark:

I would love to write up what I read for the year, Millions style, but I do make notes on what I read on this site. Remember, you can listen to books on Libby for *free*.



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